Still the sky is blue, Smithson Gallery London & Bristol
Art Car Boot Fair, Smithson Gallery London
Philoche Collection Artists, Chicago, IL
Manufacturers Village Open Studio, East Orange, NJ
Mekia Machine Denby Studio Auction, Private Virtual Auction, New York
SPARK Art Exhibition, El Barrio's ARTSpace, New York, NY
New Black Future Art Exhibition, a collectors residence, New York
The Black Un-Aesthetic, Negative Space Art Exhibition, Fed 22 Sulz Parlor, Barnard College, New York, NY
Harlem Art Walk, Harlem, New York, NY
Visual Arts Thesis Exhibition (Spring Semester), LeRoy Neiman Gallery, Columbia University, New York, NY
The Unspeakable, A Dark Show, Pfizer Building, Brooklyn, NY
America Now, Salt Studios, Brooklyn, New York, NY
Visual Arts Thesis Exhibition (Fall Semester), LeRoy Neiman Gallery, Columbia University, New York, NY
This Art is Your Art, Artsy, The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation and the White House Historical Association, The White House, Washington D.C.